International Veterinary Certificate

Welcome the international veterinary ultrasound societys goals are to promote research and provide education in ultrasonography to all groups performing diagnostic ultrasound in veterinary medicine.
International veterinary certificate. Aug 8 2017. This international veterinary certificate is valid for 60 sixty days from the date of issuance. The international veterinary medicine ivm program began in 1982 three years after the establishment of the veterinary school. Tufts university has had a long standing international commitment in education as well as in service and research and the ivm program allows the cummings school of veterinary medicine to meaningfully contribute to this university wide mandate.
The international veterinary certificatepet passport is valid for 60 days from the. International health certificates for the export of animals from the united states are completed by the accredited veterinarian who certifies herd and animal health status conducts tests and records test results for the individual animals being exported. Your pet must be examined by a veterinarian in order for a health certificate to be issued. These courses provide a higher educational level that allows you to build your knowledge or obtain an increased set of specialized skills in specific areas of veterinary medicine.
Steps to obtain an international health certificate for pets. Este certificado veterinario internacional e. The international veterinary certificatepet passport showing no clinical signs of infectious or parasitic diseases and is fit for transport. Brazil might not accept animals previously diagnosed with leishmaniosis.
Health certificates may be issued electronically by the usda accredited veterinarian and endorsed by the aphis veterinary medical officer through the online veterinary export health certification system vehcsthe aphis embossed seal is not required. Completed and signed international health certificates for the export of animals from the united states must be endorsed by a veterinary. Veterinary services can help you and the pets veterinarian meet and understand the travel requirements associated with the pets destination country. A printed paper copy of the completed health certificate must accompany each shipment.